Awards and Adjudication - Edmonton Short Film Festival

Congratulations to our selections for the 2023 Red Carpet Gala! !

“Breaking 200” directed by Wade Whibley and Mike Reeve
“CAPTCHA” directed by David Feehan
“Cream” directed by Kenny Heintz and Mark Hoyne
“Dating Indian” directed by Len Morissette
“Emily’s Garden” directed by Darren McInnes
“Gerry Mouse” directed by Tom Robinson
“I am Free” directed by Edward Ogum
“Labeled” directed by Justin Kueber
“Le jardin des délices” directed by Genevieve Marie Dale and Dean G. Mang-Wooley
“Marilyn” directed by Barrett Klesko
“Mr. Kapre” directed by Daniel Angelo Volante
“Old Dragon Man” directed by Douglas Cook
“Pa’Fuera” directed by Diego Mendez
“Progenitor” directed by Sam Saloff
“Retraining the Brain” directed by Sandro Silva
“Rock the Block” directed by Gwynne McMaster
“Suzy Makes Cupcakes” directed by Jayson Therrien
“The Choice” directed by Barb Briggs
“The Coocoo” submitted by Molly Little
“Toones” submitted by Lisa Buck

“Toy Train” directed by Kyle Tiernan


Congratulations to our selections for our 2023 Long Shorts!

“Beyond the Sea” directed by Hippolyte Leibovici
“Dragon Fruit” directed by J.Brown
“Headache” directed by Johnny Russell
“Justin” directed by Good Improv
“Life of Riley” directed by Lisa Datz
“Lovebugs” directed by Teddy Alvarez-Nissen
“Matryoshka” directed by Joseph Ros
“Midnight Ride” directed by Alessandro Farrattini Pojani
“Paved!” directed by Chad Stanley Martin
“Rising From the Ashes” directed by Sara Ben-Saud
“Tell Me Where To Go” directed by Peter Beatty & Joseph Boyle
“Unborn” directed by Sam Javadi
“You Are the Blue” directed by Beatrice King

ALL films screened will receive a screening fee
AWARDS will be presented in genre categories
PEOPLE’S CHOICE Award voted by live audience ($250)

Join us on October 14 and 15, 2023 for our 11th annual Festival Celebration! 


 Meet the 2023 team of adjudicators: Jack Belhumeur, Jessica Moutray, Scarlett Rivers, Laura La France, Warren Cowell, and 1990s Chris .